The problem
- Problem #1
- Problem #2
- Problem #3
The solution we aim at
- Key benefit #1
- Key benefit #2
- Key benefit #3
Product core features
- Core feature #1
- Core feature #2
- Core feature #3
Competitors & interesting players
- Competitor 1, 2, 3
- Actors in the space who are not direct competitors but interesting to watch
GTM strategy
- Target segment
- Acquisition channels
- Pricing & Business model
Useful resources
- Link #1 + main learning
- Link #2 + main learning
- Link #3 + main learning
What is the problem ?
The context
Share the context in which the pain point takes place. Basically how does the world evolve at the moment in relation to this problem.
Problem space
Make sure you are precise about the pain(s) point(s) felt by our ICPs
What is the solution we offer?
- Value proposition
Articulate the value proposition and the main benefits.
- Product - Core features
How do we translate the value proposition into a product and what are the main features that will deliver this value proposition
- Some use cases
Illustrate the problem <> benefits relation with 3-5 precise use cases
What's the go-to-market strategy?
- What's your ICP?
Define the company type + the buying center people involved in the decision-making process?
- What distribution channels do you anticipate?